Wednesday, January 16, 2019

NASA Getaway

January 15 - 17, 2019
Kennedy Space Center Getaway

One of the perks of retirement is that you are NEVER on a time schedule :)  So we took planned a "weekend" getaway for Tuesday-through-Thursday January 15-17.  This had been a brilliant idea from my wife to me on my birthday and this best fit our schedule.  We drove to the Casa Coquina Bed & Breakfast, less than ten miles from the space center on Tuesday and spent the afternoon there and went out to eat at Shiloh's Steak & Seafood right on the riverfront.  We spent the entire day Wednesday at the space center and it was spectacular.  Out to an Italian place Wednesday night and left Thursday morning.  Here are the pics from our three day adventure.
The Casa Coquina (top right, part that juts out, that's our room)

The Casa Coquina garden walkway

View from the deck - you can see the launch pads!

Our "room" was like an apartment with a bedroom, two sitting rooms.....

Above looking from this room to bed, this from bed back to door....

A complete side bedroom with a two-couch sitting area!

Stairs to our room with a UCF Knight!

Breakfast / Dining Room

Shiloh's Steak & Seafood

Waterfront view from our table

The approach to the space center

Welcome to Space Center Photo Op

The Rocket Garden

Rocket Assembly Building
The Blue Field Of Stars is size of NBA Basketball Court

Actual Launch Control Room for Apollo 8 Mission

Saturn Rocket - full size, picture REALLY doesn't do it justice

One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind

We've reached the moon :)

A moon lander

Launchpad 39-B from across the lake - from the closest, safest distance away (3 1/2 miles)

The actual Atlantis Space Shuttle

This is your captain speaking

The first mate mans the arm of the shuttle to deliver the payload

Interior view of the shuttle

Now let's see, is that the moon or just an asteroid

Trying to land the shuttle via simulator - never could

Astronaut Barbara Morgan tells us about being on a shuttle & space lab mission