Monday, June 14, 2021

Louisville / Racing Weekend: June 2021


The middle of June 2021 I flew to Louisville for an extended racing adventure with my buddy Keith.  Arrived on Thursday where he picked me up at the airport.  We checked into our hotel - which was just "OK" at best, but it was a place to stay.  Grabbed a bite to eat and were off the "Twilight Thursday" at Churchill Downs.  The next day we spent the morning driving around Louisville - what a great city.  In the afternoon we toured the Mega Caverns which have been under Louisville since the 1930' did I not know this?  That was really "cool" - literally (constant 58 degrees underground).  Then we went on an evening cruise on the Ohio River.  Saturday we drove around a little more, then were at the track by 11:30 am for a marathon day of racing, highlighted by the "Downs After Dark" card of live racing at Churchill with a first post of 6 pm.  Up by 4:30 am the next morning to fly to Ohio to visit the family for a few days before returning home.  Loved being back on the road again.  You can also check out the "racing report" journal from the weekend, HERE.  The best of the photos.....
Flying out of Fort Lauderdale - note the cruise ship as cruising has begun again :)
Two track guys about to enjoy LIVE racing
The FREE program - note the lower left corner:  "The TRACK is BACK!"
The paddock with the Twin Spires
The THIRD winner of the day
THREE for six on the day :)
First "excursion" - the Louisville Mega Caverns
The walking tour - gone nearly two hours and covered almost two miles UNDER Louisville
Photo op of the intrepid explorer - the lights display part of "Lights Under Louisville" Christmas attraction
Another light display.....duh have to have one about thoroughbred racing if you're in Louisville!
With our guide Olivia who did a great job!
The Mary Miller - our ship, a part of the Belle of Louisville Riverboat fleet
Enjoying the cruise along the Ohio River
Sunset on the Ohio River with the bridges of Louisville framed in the photo
The iconic Twin Spires of Churchill Downs greets us as we walk in for our Saturday marathon of racing
While waiting the start of the evening races, we played at the simulcast center. 
It was Opening Day at Woodbine in Toronto and I scored with FIVE of six selections :)
LIVE racing as the sun sets in Louisville
One of THREE live racing winners
None of the photos or videos from the evening at Churchill can truly capture the atmosphere. 
Nearly 20,000 fans - it was packed - and the roar when they turned for home was just amazing!
As I flew out on Sunday, appropriately we flew right over Churchill Downs
The weekend's totals:  If you win 33% of the time you're doing very well.....
If your ROI (Return On Investment) is $1.91 for ever $2 bet you're beating 93% of the other players....
It was OBVIOUSLY a very good weekend of handicapping!

The Weekend's Highlights