Monday, October 30, 2017

Hawaii 2007: Kahalui (2)

Day 5:  Kahalui - Luau Kalamaku

The best news about the luau was that we got to go to one.  It was on our original list of excursions, but we were "rejected" and I called and was told that for a number of reasons NCL was no longer having a luau, but they thought they might be adding one in time for our cruise.  About ten days before we left it became available and we booked it.  The bad news was that it wasn't really anything like what we thought it would be like....there were nearly 1,000 people there and it more resembled a giant buffet with an evening show.  Due to the number of people we were far from the stage.  For me, the Mai Kai in Fort Lauderdale was as good a show, and we were closer, but for people from non-Florida areas I'm sure it was very cool.  The setting was gorgeous as you can see from the pics.  The roasted pig was delicious and we got to try the Hawaiian dish, was yuk.

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