Monday, October 30, 2017

Hawaii 2007: Kona (2)

Day 4:  Kona - Atlantis Submarine

It was very cool to go on the submarine, we dove to a depth of over 100 feet....but it was disappointing in that we saw very little, and we had thought since so many people talked about how colorful the reefs were when you scuba/snorkel, that we'd see the same.  But the captain of the sub explained that the lighting was essentially black lighting on the ocean floor, so what you see in the pics is what we saw.  Also, the seats were very narrow and it was very cramped......more room in the 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea attraction at Disney when it used to be running :)

2017 Update.....when rebuilding the website I was able to put the underwater photos through a filter which brought out some of the colors - above is a 2007 original compared to the 2017 revised photo followed by the old photos put through the filter.

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