Sunday, October 29, 2017

Hawaii 2007: Kuai

Day 2:  Kuai - Wailua River Paradise Gardens & Fern Grotto

From the earliest part of our planning for Hawaii, every book I read said that the Fern Grotto was a "Must See."  But as we got closer to leaving I read that due to 43 consecutive days of rain in April 2006 the Fern Grotto was closed.  So we were given the substitute trip along the Wailua River and to the Paradise Gardens.  As we boarded the bus that morning I remarked to Kim how disappointed I was we were not seeing the Fern Grotto. the bus pulled away from the ship our driver told us we were VERY LUCKY because the state of Hawaii had deemed TODAY, yes TODAY, they were reopening the Fern Grotto and that our tour would be the FIRST to visit in over a year.  This was a very big day in the state and to all those associated with the grotto.  

The picture of the gentleman above is the owner/operator of the tour.  His father began the tour in 1946 with two canoes and it had been open continuously until today was a big day for him, and you could tell he was emotional about it.  It was very cool to get to see the grotto and to be the first visitors in over a year :)

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